Do you want to change something in your life? At some point we come to a place on our pathways where we want to change but we don’t now how to do that. I’m good at asking questions; at seeing what ignites your flame and giving a different perspective.
Are you frustrated and confused with your life at the moment? Are you looking for clarification on a situation? Are you wanting to ignite your passions I love to work through your needs and help you find the creative approach to advance the situation.
As a storyteller and clown, I have a unique perspective that allows my skills to help you. I’m a great believer in the power of joy in our lives and the healing qualities of laughter.
I am fascinated by the intersection of the body, the spirit and the mind. To this end, I work with creative projects, questioning tools and meditation.
Really I’m a gardener. Life coaches help to do the heavy digging when you want to move the soil around. We are about helping you to move the plants, check the soil type and find out what grows best in your landscape.
A life coach can enhance your friendships. When you want to talk something through but don’t want to bore your friends with the same topic yet again, I can be your sounding board, your accountability check and your cheerleader.
Some time ago someone called me ‘Barnabas’ which means encourager. Sometimes you need someone to come alongside and encourage you. Part of encouraging is accountability. We can work together to accomplish much.
How does your business root itself in community?
Do you find your time disappears? Time management is a challenge so many disregard but the benefits of small changes can be huge.
As a creative person, I look for ways to solidify your approach and help you unfold the plans you want. I strongly believe motivation and creativity are linked and I can help you discover this.
Perhaps it is time to review your business. A coach can ask questions, draw out conclusions and map out a future with you.
Running a business can be a lonely experience. I work with small businesses- particularly sole proprietorships. At a time of change, expansion, or evolution, a coach is a perfect sounding board and consultant. Having a safe, confidential time to talk, get advice and explore ideas gives a vibrancy to your business. Businesses don’t survive without community. Whether it is rooted in a physical community or online, developing connections is so important.
Support and encouragement is vital to an entrepreneur. We cannot sustain ourselves alone and I am happy to meet you for this. My approach is affordable, friendly and relaxed.
Wedding Celebrant
I became a celebrant to help
express creativity at significant milestones in our lives.
Funeral Celebrant
I became a celebrant to help
express creativity at significant milestones in our lives.
I am a storyteller telling the old
stories to bring depth to our lives.