
About Hermione

Hi, my name is Hermione and I am a passionate person about creativity. I love that we become a person who contributes to our communities when we know who we are. I think creativity is a really important feature in our lives.

I was born in New Zealand and I’m the youngest of 5 children. We grew up celebrating the outdoors; hiking, boating, skiing, and all the time learning about limitations and breaking through those limitations.

I worked in social services for some time and then the love of theatre drew me to a new career. I acted and directed plays and became a storyteller. I morphed into a creative support person for others. Sixteen years ago I came to Canada. In 2008 I trained as a life coach and I became a licensed celebrant in 2015. All the time my storytelling has influenced what I do. I am interested in your story and that is reflected in your wedding.

Welcome to my website and I am glad to offer my services to you.

Services Offered

Wedding Celebrant

I became a celebrant
to help express creativity at significant milestones
in our lives.


I am a coach to help
bring out the creativity
that resides in you.


I am a storyteller telling
the old stories to bring
depth to our lives.

Funeral Celebrant

I became a celebrant
to help express creativity at significant milestones
in our lives.

From the Blog…

What is the value of your work?

What is the value of your work?

Have you ever been missed out on a job? Yes, me too. I met someone who thought she was being passed over; she was watching people go past her on the success ladder – at least that is how she saw it. They were younger and seemed to be less experienced. All this...

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Naturally! A reflection about wedding ceremonies.

Naturally! A reflection about wedding ceremonies.

I was at an event where the lighting was fluorescent except for one small window that let in the daylight. Natural light and what’s more – there was a view of trees outside. This window was so high up I could only see the leaves and the high thin branches. What a...

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Creativity Workshops

Creativity Workshops

Now we are opening up slowly I am beginning to plan in person events. Beginning on Tuesday August 17 I will hold an in-person Creativity Workshop for 6 consecutive Tuesdays 10 – 12 noon ending on September 14th. Beginning Thursday August 19 I will hold a Zoom...

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Work with me

You will meet with me before the ceremony to tell your story and share your dreams. Ceremonies need not be traditional – ideas can fuse together and we can produce a significant ceremony that reflects you.

Professional & Personal

You will experience a stress-free, professional and creative milestone for your ceremony. These occasions are significant events and we can celebrate together. Weddings will be fun; ceremonies reflect the awesomeness of life; and all ceremonies will be exclusively yours.

Kind & Approachable

My aim is to listen to you and offer choices so together a ceremony is created that is personal and unique to you.  You will be comfortable with me no matter your faith journey, your sexual orientation or personal beliefs.

Many Years Experience

I conducted my first wedding in the 1980’s with a couple who wanted to marry at the Antarctic base. They knew no-one but their colleagues, so I invited my friends and baked a cake, decorated the house and created a wonderful ambience for a wedding. I have been doing this ever since no matter what my job title! I believe in the importance of community and joy. I was born in New Zealand but have lived for 16 years in Canada. Before that I have lived in England and the USA. I have also worked in India, Nigeria, Spain, Japan, France, Italy and Germany.

Creative Input

“Creativity is the natural order of life. Life is energy: pure creative energy. “I read that somewhere and it has stayed with me. I encourage you to let that energy guide you to what you want and where you are going.

Contact Hermione for more information:

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